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Summer 2024

Class Heroes 2023
We have chosen 7 individuals who we believe reflect our school values of respect, teamwork, happiness, pride, honesty and resilience.
Each class has been assigned a hero and the children will be finding out about them throughout the year. We will explore ways in which our hero has demonstrated our values, their achievements and legacies. Watch this space for updates. 
In Year 1, our hero is Dame Ellen MacArthur. You can see all of the class heroes on the poster below and our special poster about Ellen herself. 

10th May 2024

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of week 4, Summer term 1.

The children have been working incredibly hard over the last 4 weeks and have produced some fabulous pieces of writing for our English text ‘Bubbles’.


In Maths, we have been working on calculations in our main lessons. We have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Please continue to use TTRS to help with multiplication and division as it is a hard concept, however, the more they are exposed to it the easier it will become.


We have also been learning our doubles of 6, 7, 8 and 9. We have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones and also continuing to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

In Science we have been learning all about plants. We have planted some different plants (Please take a look in our class window). We have used mini green windows to allow us to see the different parts of the plants (roots, stem, leaves and flower). We have also learnt the important functions each part has.


In DT, we have been understanding the difference between fruits and vegetables. We have learnt where fruit and vegetables grow and how we can tell this. We have then started tasting and testing different fruits and fruit drinks, building up to create our own smoothies next week. How yummy!

This week we have introduced the daily mile. Thankfully for us we don’t have to complete a whole mile every day but we run 1 lap of the field daily to help with our physical and mental wellbeing.

Thank you for your continued support with homework and reading. The phonics screening is due to take place in June so please continue reading as much as possible at home.

Thank you,

Mrs. Horsley

 24th May 2024

 What a crazy, busy half term we have had! It has seemed to fly over.

The children have worked incredibly hard this half term and produced some phenomenal work and should be extremely proud of themselves.


Last week we concluded our writing on ‘Little Blue Riding Hood’. We created a comic strip using speech bubbles, caption boxes and scream bubbles. The children loved this unit of work and blew me away with their writing.


In Geography, we have been learning all about physical and human features. We have found different examples in our local area and went on a walk to find these within Ellington. We have then looked at China as our Non-European country and looked at what life is like in Shanghai.

We have been working incredibly hard on our attacking and defending skills in PE. We understand the basic principle of attacking and defending and have applied this in a range of exciting games, we can explain why these roles are important within different invasion games.


I am so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm in our daily run. The children can explain the benefits of this and also push themselves to run more than once to increase their daily steps.

In our final term for Year 1 after the half term, the children will be having their National phonics screening check. Please continue to read as many times as possible with your child. Games you could play whilst reading is: How many red words can you read in a minute? How quick can you read the speedy green words? Who can use the best story telling voice when reading the story?