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Charity Work

At Ellington, we believe it is important to use our position as a school to support a variety of charities. 
We believe highlighting charities and educating the children about the crucial role charities play is a vital part of a child's personal development. 
We support different charities in a range of ways and in the 2023-2024 academic year, we aim to support ten different charities. 
Red Sky Foundation

Red Sky Foundation raises vital funds to support life saving work for babies, children and adults who are born with or who develop heart conditions across the North East of England. This year, we have had a recycling bin installed in our school grounds which collects a variety of unwanted clothing, shoes, handbags, etc. This not only raises vital funds but prevents reusable and/or recyclable materials going to landfill. 

Pearl of Africa Choir
In September, The Pearl of Africa choir visited Ellington and performed an incredible concert. The children of Ellington made donations and purchased crafts made by the choir whilst understanding the incredible journey the choir are making in order to provide an education for children in Uganda. We looked at similarities and differences and how the choir are truly remarkable in the work that they do. We raised over £350 for the choir. 
Beyond - Mental Health
In November, we held an Online Safety Day in co-ordination with Beyond. Beyond support the mental health of children and young adults. At Ellington, we provide Mental Health support to pupils, parents and staff. We are lucky to have a Senior Mental Health Leader, our very own school nurse as well as trained peer mentors and work alongside BeYou. We raised over £220 for Beyond and highlighted the work that they do with all our stakeholders. 
Wansbeck Valley Foodbank
For harvest, we collected donations for the Wansbeck Valley Foodbank. We received an incredible amount of food and toiletries for which they were extremely grateful. 
Salvation Army
At Ellington, we always pay our respects and wear our Poppies with pride. We support the Salvation Army through donations made by pupils, parents and staff. 
Children in Need
For Children in Need 2023, we supported the charity by wearing something spotty, Pudsey related or non-uniform. All children took part in Pudsey related activities and we raised over £150. Children in Need fund thousands of charities and projects in every corner of the UK, that support children and young people to feel and be safer, have improved mental health and wellbeing, form better, more positive relationships and be given more equal opportunities to flourish.
Save the Children
On December 8th, we held a coffee morning for parents and carers, followed by a bake sale for the whole school. All classes from Nursery to Year 6 all baked some delicious goods which were then sold to other classes. We raised over £300 for Save the Children and had a fantastic time doing so. 
Dress to Express
On Friday 9th February all children and staff came to school wearing clothes to express themselves. During that week, we celebrated Children's Mental Health week with a range of activities in school focusing on 'My Voice Matters'. Through the dress to express day, we raised £165 for Place2Be.
Comic Relief 
On 15th March, children and staff all wore something red to show support for Comic Relief. We looked at who the charity helps, how it has grown over the decades and what impact our donations can make. We raised nearly £200! 
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
On Friday 21st June, we took part in a 'Wear Something Yellow Day' to show our support for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. A charity close to our heart in school. We raised over £200 for the trust and had a fantastic day.