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Summer 2024

Class Heroes 2023
We have chosen 7 individuals who we believe reflect our school values of respect, teamwork, happiness, pride, honesty and resilience.
Each class has been assigned a hero and the children will be finding out about them throughout the year. We will explore ways in which our hero has demonstrated our values, their achievements and legacies. Watch this space for updates. 
In Year 6, our hero is Maya Angelou. You can see all of the class heroes on the poster below and our special poster about Maya too.

Year 6 News - 24th May 2024  

Year 6 were superstars during SATs week! Every single child put in 100% effort and were not phased by what was put in front them or – if they were – they handled it with our school values of happiness and resilience! We began each day a little earlier to get everyone together and geared up for the day ahead with a breakfast, some music and warm-up revision. As a reward for their hard work not only on the week itself but those leading up to it, the children had an afternoon of rounders, a film morning as well as pizza party! Needless to say, there were smiles and enthusiasm all round.


Since then, in maths we have started a “Theme Park” maths project where we will be planning a theme park to a budget, calculating running costs as well as profit and loss. As the project continues, there will be opportunities to improve the theme parks in order to boost revenue. This project allows the children to strategise, decide how to spend money wisely as well as apply their calculation skills to potentially real-life situations. It has been really interesting to hear their conversations and decide how to get the most for their money as well as making their theme park appealing to customers.


The children have also taken part in an art day where they used sculpture to create art that represents themselves and their memories. They used their sketchbooks to make initial designs and explore the work of different artists, then brought those ideas into 3D using cardboard and other materials.


In other areas of the curriculum, we have done some drama based on our class novel Once; we have finished our unit of work on where energy comes from in geography; and have been learning how to say “I have” and “I have not” in French in relation to pets that we do/do not own.


I hope you all have a wonderful half term break and there’s a very exciting final half term coming up for Year 6 afterwards!

Year 6 News  - 10th May 2024  

After working very hard for a long time, Year 6 will be taking on their KS2 assessments next week. I have no doubt that each of them will put 100% effort into showing off their skills and am immensely proud of them for the dedication shown by many in the months leading up.


 Meanwhile, we have been writing some incredible persuasive leaflets about the theme parks we have created based on the world of “Pandora” from Avatar. The children have developed their use of specific language including the use of idioms as well as the subjunctive form. If only these theme parks were real, you’d definitely want to give them a whirl!


In stark contrast, we are now writing very formal letters of complaint about the same theme park after an imaginary trip there went disastrously wrong! It is great to see how much the children have enjoyed writing at the two extremes and – believe me – I hope future companies never get on the wrong side of this lot as they will be getting some extremely critical correspondence.


In maths, we have been developing our skills in time, data handling and algebra as the last few topics we have needed to cover. Following this, lots of revision has been taking place with the children recalling prior knowledge well.


Geography has seen us applying some of our coordinate skills when using OS maps online to practise reading 6-figure grid references. We have been exploring the Port of Blyth in order to see the kinds of renewable and non-renewable energy sources created and distributed around the local area.


Good luck next week Year 6 – you’ll be amazing!