December 2024
December has flown by so far and we have certainly packed a lot into this busy month! In English lessons, we have enjoyed our work on ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. In the lead up to writing our own reports on Stone Age Village Life, we created freeze frames to re-enact jobs that the different villagers might have done.
We have completed a lot of work on shape in maths, including drawing shapes including parallel and perpendicular lines, as well as finding lines of symmetry and learning how to name 2D shapes accurately.
Our history work on the Stone Age has continued beyond our English lessons in both history and art lessons, and we particularly enjoyed having visitors from Durham University who did a fantastic workshop with us last week. We explored artefacts and were even able to create our own clay pots.
We have really been enjoying our science topic all about light and all of the opportunities we have had to complete practical work. We created our own glasses to find out the safest materials for sunglass lenses, developed our understanding of the ‘energy transfer model’ using yellow cubes to represent the path of light energy and especially loved using our new classroom puppet shadow theatre to test what made the most effective shadow puppets.
All of this without even mentioning Christmas preparations! Wishing all of our year 3 pupils and their families a lovely, fun-filled festive time and we look forward to working with you in the New Year.
December has flown by so far and we have certainly packed a lot into this busy month! In English lessons, we have enjoyed our work on ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. In the lead up to writing our own reports on Stone Age Village Life, we created freeze frames to re-enact jobs that the different villagers might have done.
We have completed a lot of work on shape in maths, including drawing shapes including parallel and perpendicular lines, as well as finding lines of symmetry and learning how to name 2D shapes accurately.
Our history work on the Stone Age has continued beyond our English lessons in both history and art lessons, and we particularly enjoyed having visitors from Durham University who did a fantastic workshop with us last week. We explored artefacts and were even able to create our own clay pots.
We have really been enjoying our science topic all about light and all of the opportunities we have had to complete practical work. We created our own glasses to find out the safest materials for sunglass lenses, developed our understanding of the ‘energy transfer model’ using yellow cubes to represent the path of light energy and especially loved using our new classroom puppet shadow theatre to test what made the most effective shadow puppets.
All of this without even mentioning Christmas preparations! Wishing all of our year 3 pupils and their families a lovely, fun-filled festive time and we look forward to working with you in the New Year.
Life has been busy as ever in Year 3 over the last month. We are continuing to love reading Matilda in English lessons, and we have even been able to carry this over to our writing lessons over the last few weeks as we work towards writing a persuasive formal letter in the style of Miss Trunchbull. What a fun character to get into the mindset of! These QR codes will take you to videos showing the way we started to get the hang of using the Trunchbull’s voice and language. Some children really got into character!
In maths, we have been focusing for the last few weeks on fractions, getting used to the way that we name different fractions, shading shapes to show our understanding and beginning to find fractions of amounts. We also really enjoyed the Times Tables Rockstars day last week and are getting so fast with our three times tables!
We are very enthusiastic about science and worked hard at the end of last half term on some tricky models showing the function of the bicep and tricep muscles. The models really help us to be able to talk about the way muscles work in pairs to help our bodies to move.
Our new history topic of the Stone Age also gave us a chance to do some practical activities, as we went outside to get an idea of the scale of history by creating a giant timeline together. We also completed a ‘Now>Press>Play’ immersive experience as we took on the role of a young Stone Age child. What a treat!
Finally, a big well done to Lucas and Lily who really made us proud in the school talent show in aid of Children in Need.
October 2024
The last few weeks at school have flown past and we are enjoying getting properly stuck into all of our exciting topics, showing our curiosity and inquisitive natures through all of our learning.
We love reading in year 3, and as well as continuing to enjoy Matilda in reading lessons (especially the drama activities!), we have also been enjoying ‘The Nothing to See Here Hotel’ in story time. The brilliant animation ‘Once in a Lifetime’ that we watched in English lessons inspired us to write some excellent diary entries and lots of us brought in diaries we had been writing at home!
In maths, we have gone over all of the formal column methods for addition and subtraction of two digit numbers. We have really enjoyed getting the chance to demonstrate beautiful presentation and use practical equipment to help us learn.
Our body topic in science has been really interesting and we were excited to get onto learning all about our skeletons, including turning Delilah into a moving skeleton model! We had an extra challenge of building up miniature skeleton models while we learned the names of different bones as well.
We have enjoyed learning about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis in Geography and were very enthusiastic during our fieldwork this week.
We have enjoyed working with different visitors over the last month, taking part in practical science lessons with Mr Watkins learning about energy in food, as well as developing our emotion wellbeing ‘toolkits’ with Liz and Lynne from the NHS ‘Be You’ team this week and taking part in a recycling workshop, making some fabulous posters to share our knowledge. Visitors that come in to see us are always so impressed with our listening skills and excellent questions.
September 2024
We have had such a busy start to the year and have really hit the ground running! We are so impressed with the new year three children, who have been keen to learn and get stuck into everything we do at school.
In English we have been working on two fantastic texts. We are looking at Matilda by Roald Dahl in our reading lessons and we are enjoying reading about all the pranks and tricks she gets up to! In writing lessons, we have been developing detailed setting descriptions based on Anthony Browne’s fantastic book ‘The Tunnel’, even crawling inside a makeshift classroom tunnel to imagine what it might be like inside.
Working on place value of numbers up to 1000 has provided us with a really firm foundation for our year 3 maths work. We have been working practically using Base 10 equipment to show the hundreds, tens and ones.
In science, we have started a topic all about our bodies, starting with learning all about food groups and nutrition. Small groups enjoyed sorting food into healthy and unhealthy groups and giving reasons to justify their decisions. This science topic ties in brilliantly with our new class hero, Sir Mo Farah, who is a role model to us with his healthy choices and the way he takes care of his body. What an inspiration!
Not only that, we have started our exciting geography topic on volcanoes as well as beginning some invasion games skills in PE lessons with coach Charlie. In another PE lesson with Mrs Morris, the children worked collaboratively with ‘Commando Joe’ resources to build their problem solving skills. Not to mention enthusiastically starting French, a brand new lesson for year 3. What a busy start to year three!