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Summer 2024

10th May
Nursery have had an exciting start to our term and their topic 'To the Rescue' 
Firstly, we learnt all about what superheroes are and the qualities they have. We then read our key story 'Supertato' and tried to catch the Evil Pea. We found out he had frozen 'Supertato' and we had to rescue him. We came up with lots of brilliant plans to free him such as warm water, hammer and salt. 
We also turned ourselves into Superheroes with the help from Mr Bailey who showed us how to use a green screen to make our pictures look even better!
We have also been learning about real life superheroes and the role they have in keeping our community safe. 
Our first visitor was a police officer who specialised in dog handling. We loved hearing all about his uniform, why he wears them and what they are used for. We loved saying hello to the dogs and learning about their role in keeping us safe. Thank you very much for coming to share this with us!
Our visitors this week were from Pegwood Fire Station. We learnt all about their role in keeping our community safe. We loved learning about the fire engine and even had a go at the hose!! Again we would like to say thank you for helping us with our topic. 
Nursery has had a jammed packed month! We look forward to sharing our next adventures with you!
Wednesday 22nd May
Nursery have continued their learning about real life superheroes and have enjoyed taking their learning within the outdoor garden. We've created police cars and put out 'fires'. The children are able to say what superhero qualities the real life heroes have too. 
The weather has been glorious enough to go into our smaller garden and explore the mud kitchen! We have been making different recipes as well as developing our imagination, communication and fine motor skills. 
The older nursery children have been working really hard in phonics and have now learnt 15 sounds!! We are really trying hard to say the 'pure' sound and identify the initial sounds in words. We are also fine tuning our ears to orally blend cvc words too. 
Our younger children have been developing their listening skills and identifying environmental sounds. They've been on listening walks, played Mrs Goodall has a box and played guess the sound games. 
Well done Nursery! Another half term successfully completed!