Year 3 long term plan 2024-25.pdf
Year 3 curriculum map Spring 1.pdf
Year 3 curriculum map Spring 2.pdf
February 2025
Another busy month is flying past for us here in year 3! We are really enjoying both of our current texts in English lessons. We have followed along with the yeti family’s amazing journey in The Abominables and the end is near now that they are reaching England - what else could happen before the end of the story? In writing lessons, we have been exploring the wolf’s perspective in different fairy tales, including reading ‘The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs’ and he certainly feels hard done to! We enjoyed using drama to take on the opinions and views of different characters.
We have been exploring amounts in maths - amounts of distance, mass, money, space, temperature and we will soon move onto time. We have been finding the skills that we have gained in CLIC and ‘Beat That!’ sessions really helpful as we calculate different amounts.
Our Antarctica topic in Geography has been really fascinating. We enjoyed working with Mr Bailey on some curriculum enrichment activities related to this topic, including researching and creating our own digital books all about Antarctica.
Last week we took part in a school wide RE day. In year 3, we were learning about Islam this time and we learnt so much about Muslim beliefs around Allah, including having fun doing a blindfold activity to see the value of having someone who can guide us through life.
Music lessons have been centred around the theme of the Chinese New Year. We have found out about the pentatonic scale that a lot of Chinese music is based on, playing it on glockenspiels and we have even written short compositions using the scale as a basis. Scan these QR codes to listen to some of our work!
Wishing everyone a restful week over half term, and we look forward to so many new topics and activities next half term, including Romans with our exciting trip to Segedunum coming up!
January 2025
The Spring Term has got off to a flying start in Year 3, and we have really enjoyed making a good start on all of our new topics for the half term ahead.
In reading lessons, we are enjoying exploring ‘The Abominables’ and are growing to love all of the yeti characters. We are very invested in their adventures! In writing lessons, we have been writing scripts for persuasive radio adverts to convince customers to hire another book character that we loved reading about: The Iron Man. Keep an eye on our class page on the school website as it will soon include QR codes to listen to all the fabulous adverts that we have created.
We have been building on our understanding of column methods in maths lessons, and can now confidently tackle additions and subtractions including 3-digit numbers, which is a step up from last term. We will soon have this mastered!
Our new topic for Geography work is Antarctica, and it is fascinating learning about a part of the world with such a different climate. The exciting highlight of our afternoon lessons was the start of swimming lessons last week and the school and swimming pool staff were all so impressed with year 3’s behaviour. We have also been lucky enough to have been offered a special dance workshop as part of the PE curriculum which we thoroughly enjoyed!
We have continued to get to grips with the new resource we have in computing lessons, Purple Mash, and have started completing coding activities. We are becoming so confident on the school laptops.
If you follow this QR code, you will be able to see some of us showing our French learning as we finished our last unit on animals. We were using the sentence structure “Je suis” (I am) to say that we were different animals.