Year 2 January News
Happy New Year! We have had a wonderful start to 2025!
We have begun a new English topic based on the Mini Grey picture book Traction Man. The children have enjoyed exploring the story by using their story teller voice to create a superhero voiceover to retell a small part of the story. We have also looked at proper nouns and conjunctions as part of our work. The children are currently busy publishing newspaper reports based on Traction Man’s heroic efforts, I can’t wait to read the end result.
In maths, we have been learning lots of new maths skills including adding and subtracting within 100. We also looked at subtracting one-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers. Our CLIC sessions have been focused on consolidating our learning on number bonds to 10, counting in 10s and reading 3-digit numbers. We have also been busy learning addition facts to help our mental maths become speedy! The children are very eager to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables to receive one of Mr Hodgson’s new times tables certificates, to earn their bronze award they need to be able to show off their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and their associated division facts. Please encourage your child to practise at home and lets see how quickly we can get our first awards!
In history, we have started our new topic answering the big question ‘How did we learn to fly?’. We have looked at the lives of the Wright Brothers and their influence on aviation and how they are historically significant. This week we completed a drama activity where we took the places of people at the first flight- the children decided that they would be excited to see the flight but also underwhelmed at the short time the flight took (ask us how long it was!). We can’t wait to learn more about people who have had an impact on our ability to fly around the world!
Our science topic for this half term is all about plants, consolidating our knowledge from year 1 and ending with a very exciting experiment about growing conditions. I have been very impressed with the knowledge the children have about plants and I am thrilled to see their enthusiasm for their science lessons.
Well done Year 2!