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Autumn 2024

Week 2 in Reception

This week we have been continuing to explore our new environment as well as establish new school routines.
In literacy this week, we have been talking about what we like to do in our school shoes just like in our book ‘Pete the Cat’. We have also been working on our listening skills during carpet time and our brain breaks after phonics.
In maths, we are exploring the number 1. We have been finding the number 1, and writing the number 1. We have also been learning colour patterns and creating these during continuous provision.

Great week Reception!


Week 1 in Reception
Wow! What a fantastic first week in our new Reception class.
Over the summer, the reception area underwent some changes, and we are excited to see the children thrive in their new classroom. We have spent this week exploring both our new indoor and outdoor areas, and the children have amazed me with their teamwork, friendships, and enthusiasm over these first three days.
Here is a little snapshot of what we have been up to.