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Summer 2024

Class Heroes 2024
We have chosen 7 individuals who we believe reflect our school values of respect, teamwork, happiness, pride, honesty and resilience.
Each class has been assigned a hero and the children will be finding out about them throughout the year. We will explore ways in which our hero has demonstrated our values, their achievements and legacies. 
In Year 2, our hero is Dan Burn from Newcastle United. View our special poster about Dan himself below.
Year 2 welcomed Mr Belshaw from Northumbria Police. We have been learning in PSHE about jobs in our local community. Mr Belshaw is a Police Diver and Drone Pilot and he visited us so we could interview him about his fantastic job in the community! We loved learning all about his special and very exciting job and we loved trying on his very special police gear. We learnt a lot about Mr Belshaw's job and the role him, and many others play in helping protect our community and our environment! 

Year 2 News


A great start back after the Easter holidays, all of Year 2 have been working super hard! We started back reading ‘The Bear and the Piano’ and we are currently own narrative containing direct speech and descriptive language.


Year 2 loved column addition and column subtraction, despite finding some lessons tricky everyone showed great resilience and we all shared a love for the column method! We will continue to practise this, and I encourage the children practise these at home too. We have been developing on our fraction knowledge and have looked at improper fractions, mixed numbers and equivalent fractions, we will be moving onto shapes next week.


During PSHE we have been looking at the local environment and the school environment, we discussed the importance of looking after both our local and school environment and we thought of different ways we can help take care of our environment. Next week, we have a special visitor joining us to talk about their job in the community!


In Design and Technology, the children have been working with clay to design, sculpt and paint their very own pinch pot. Year 2 used a vote to decide which animal design they wanted on their paint pot and a fish won the vote!


Our History unit this term is looking at ‘What is a monarch?’, we began by looking at the role of the monarch and who the monarch is today then we moved onto looking at William the Conqueror and his importance.


We worked with Mr Bailey, and began our Computing unit and the children amazed me with their knowledge on Scratch Jnr. All of the children programmed their sprite characters and even began creating their own characters and backgrounds. We also linked our history learning and made a collage linked to ‘What is a monarch?’


The children have been doing fantastic with their reading and I encourage all children to read as much as they can at home! The ‘Book Swap Shop’ is every Tuesday and Thursday afterschool on the yard and a great way to encourage the children to read their books and change it for another!


Year 2 have all demonstrated the schools ‘Teamwork’ value well over the last two weeks – keep it up Y2!

Please keep reading at home and learning your times tables on TTRS.


Miss Brooks

Year 2 News


Year 2 has had a fantastic start to the Summer Term, all of the children have worked extremely hard and produced some excellent pieces of work which they should be very proud of.



In English, all of the children created their own narrative based on ‘The Bear and The Piano’ by David Litchfield. The children enjoyed learning about direct speech, and descriptive language and we will continue to work on this next term. We have also been working hard on our joint handwriting, this is something I encourage the children to practice whenever they have the chance – we have some beautiful handwriting in the making!


During Maths we have been focusing on fractions, the children started to look at adding and subtracting halves, thirds and quarters. During their CLIC sessions, the children have been working on their rapid recall of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. I encourage all the children to use TTRS and practice their timetables as much as possible as timetables are key to success! 



We have come to the end of our History unit ‘What is a Monarch?’ Year 2 have displayed great interest within the topic and have wowed myself and Mrs Curtis with their fantastic subject knowledge. We ended the unit creating some salt art work of monarchs and their castles.



We also have completed our PSHE unit on ‘Citizenship’, during this unit we looked at our local community and school environment. We have discussed the importance of keeping our school and local environment tidy and we talked about the responsibilities we have. We also were lucky to have a special visit from Northumbria Police’s Mr. Belshaw. Mr Belshaw is a Police Diver and Drone Pilot and shared the role he plays in helping the local community. We even got to try on school special police gear.


Miss Brooks