Thursday 28th March 2024
We have continued to work really hard in Year 3 over the last two weeks of term.
We have ‘published’ our humorous Little Red Riding Hood stories. They are written from the wolf’s perspective, following the style of our focus text, ‘The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs’.
In history last week we had a very practical lesson. The children made Roman shields and tried out some of the Roman army battle formations. We also enjoyed exploring some Roman artefacts.
Last Thursday the children showed fantastic talent during their art day. They worked on using shape to sketch, shading, observational drawing and they finally created large abstract flower pictures, thinking about scale and composition. Fabulous work!
We have been focusing on running during our Tuesday PE lessons, the children have shown great skill and a growing awareness of the techniques needed for sprinting, team racing and long distance running. We can’t wait for better weather to put these skills to use on the field track.
In PSHE, we have been learning about keeping safe on or near to roads. The children impressed us with their understanding of the rules. They made effective posters, learnt a catchy rhyme and thoroughly enjoyed the chance to share their knowledge with the children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1. What a great job they did!
Have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all again in April for another fun and busy term!
As always, the last two weeks have been packed full of activities in year 3, and the children have been working hard.
In English, we have really enjoyed working on ‘The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs’, and we have been retelling the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ from the wolf’s perspective. We can’t wait to share our entertaining stories with you!
We also had a fabulous time on World Book Day! Highlights of the day included a live lesson with John Patrick Green and we especially enjoyed sharing some books with the children in the Reception class.
In PSHE, we have been learning about making decisions and how our decisions can be influenced. This week we did some drama to act out scenarios in which people were trying to influence our decisions.
In religious education we have started a unit of work using the enquiry question, ‘How do festivals and family life show what is important to Jewish people?’. This week we got very sticky whilst tasting traditional food eaten on Rosh Hashanah; apples with honey. This symbolises the starting of the ‘sweet new year’.
In computing, we have started working towards creating stop-motion animations, which we will hopefully be able to share with you by the end of term. We started by creating little flip books with stick man animations, and then started to learn how to use the app ‘iMotion’ on the Ipads.
The last two weeks have been really busy in Year 3.
Last Friday, we had a special maths day where we had the chance to tackle an exciting maths puzzle to really get our minds working! We also had an extended Times Tables Rockstars session. It was a lot of fun. In English we are in the middle of writing some brilliant persuasive adverts all about the services the Iron Man could offer!
This week is Children’s Mental Health week so we have been further developing our understanding of the Zones of Regulation. We played ‘Zones Bingo’ where we had to identify lots of different emotions. We are really looking forward to our ‘Dress to Express’ day on Friday.
We have also been lucky enough to have our story time in the library this week. We were really cosy with our dressing gowns, oodies and slippers!
On Tuesday, it was Safer Internet Day so we joined a nationwide online lesson about Artificial Intelligence. We learnt lots of valuable information and joined in with the live activities. After the lesson, we designed posters to convey what we had learnt.
In French, we have been working hard to learn the names of ten different musical instruments. I wonder how many of these the children could tell you at home? Soon we will be able to put these words into sentences to explain what instruments we play. Our computing unit this half term is based around understanding what a network is and how different devices are connected together.
We have had a busy few weeks to begin the new year.
We have started to learn about lots of new and exciting topics.
In English, we have been reading a poem by Roald Dahl called, ‘The Crocodile and the Dentist’. Roald Dahl is one of our favourite authors and we have been working hard to emulate his style, challenging ourselves to use rhyme and rhythm in our own poems.
In maths we have been developing and consolidating our work on using column methods for addition and subtraction. We have been using these techniques to tackle bigger numbers and more complicated exchanges.
In science, we have been really interested in our new topic on rocks. We thoroughly enjoyed observing them closely last week and we have worked hard to sort and group them this week.
Geography is also an exciting topic this half term, we are exploring Antarctica, which links well with the penguin (‘Waddle’) that we adopted at Christmas time! We have been finding out about climate zones, where Antarctica is in the world and what it looks like.
This week we have also had some interesting and exciting visitors in school, teaching us about railway safety and doing a dance workshop which was great fun.