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Summer 2024

This week… Week beginning Monday 24th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

       I can't believe that we now only have three weeks left of this academic year. We have had a lovely past two weeks. We had our last week with Mr Freedman who has been a great help to us this term and we are sure he will have a fantastic career in teaching. I would also like to thank all parents who attended the brass band performance on Wednesday. Having not been in the lessons I was amazed at the progress the children had made in such a short space of time. I have tried to attach some QR codes that should allow you to watch some clips of the performance.

We have a couple of trips coming up before the end of term. We have a team of 6 children entering the Northumberland County Council Lego League for the first time and we are going to Baltic gallery to complete a unit of work on bridges and rivers as well as having guided tours of the gallery. In addition to this, we will be going on a quayside walk to ensure that we have visited a river local to us.

In English, we have recently completed writing persuasive letters to King Charles III to try and persuade him to help stop deforestation. We have also started our unit of work on A Midsummer Night's Dream. We have gotten to grips with the quite complex comedy and have even acted out some of the scenes ourselves!

In Maths, we have been working out time intervals both within and across an hour. We have also been learning how to read Roman Numerals up to 100.

In Science we have been learning about teeth. We have looked at the difference in teeth between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and looked at the different types of teeth humans have.

Finally, in Geography we have started to learn about rivers and have recapped the water cycle.

Thanks, and hope you enjoyed sports day and the Summer Fare if you attended.

Year 4 News

This week… Week beginning 20th May

Dear Parents and Carers,

This newsletter has been written by Mr. Freedman, I have been working in Year 4 for five weeks now and have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far. All the children have been so impressive with their positive attitudes towards all subjects and the fantastic work that they produce. Thank you for taking time to read the second newsletter of the Summer Term.

In Maths, we have began our fractions unit, including counting fractions of any denominator, converting improper fractions into mixed numbers and finding fractions of an amount. The children have applied their knowledge of division facts and times tables very successfully here.

In English, we have been continuing with our unit of work on Flotsam by David Weisner. Children have now written three pieces of writing based on the book. The first write was based upon a small crab being picked up by a child at the beach. The second was about a mysterious character and what big reason the character was at the beach for. Finally, the last write was the aftermath of the big event and the thoughts and feeling their character had proceeding the big event.

In Computing, the children have completed the Unit of work with Mrs Richardson and Mr Bailey. This culminated the children making and testing a game that contained count controlled and infinite loops on Scratch.  

In History, we have continued our learning about Vikings, specifically based on Viking Longboats, why and what Vikings traded and what were the consequences of the Anglo-Saxon and Vikings struggle for Britain.

In P.E, we have continued with tennis and football. The children have all applied what they have learnt in the series of lessons to apply these skills into game situations.

Finally, on Thursday, we completed our Design Technology Day focussed on electrical systems. The children built torches using plastic bottles. They applied their learning from their science work on electricity and designed their bottle to meet a design criteria. They built a switch from split pins and used tin foil to create a reflector

This week… Week beginning Monday 6th May

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thanks for reading the first newsletter of the Summer Term. We have had a fantastic start to the Summer Term. We have been very lucky to be joined by Mr Freedman for the last three weeks as he completes his teacher training. The children have really taken to Mr Freedman and they have really been enjoying the lessons they have been completing with him.   

In Maths we have started the term by recapping column methods including column multiplication and short division (bus stop method). The children have been using their knowledge of their times tables well here.

In English, we started the term by writing an alternative narrative for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. The children wrote quite dark tales where Edmund was taken hostage by the evil Snow Queen. This week, Mr Freedman has introduced the children to the picture book Flotsam by David Wiesner. The children are going to write three separate pieces of writing based on the book. Each piece is based on a different character from the book and focuses on describing the characters thoughts, feelings and actions.

In Science, the children have worked on electricity this week. The children worked in pairs to learn to build and draw a series circuit as well as naming the components used in a circuit. They even managed to add a switch. The children have also been identifying why circuits were not working.

In RE the children have been learning about Pentecost and the events that happened to the disciples after the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter.

In Computing, the children have been working with Mrs Richardson and Mr Bailey to code games with infinite loops on Scratch.  

In History, we have started our work on Vikings learning about the countries the Vikings came from and why they chose to settle in Britain.