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Design & Technology

We aim to provide children with a DT education that is relevant in our rapidly changing world and a curriculum that embodies our school intent: we intend to provide a wide range of inclusive opportunities, that ensure our children have a secure body of knowledge and effective critical thinking skills, which enable them to lead life with the highest of aspirations and contribute to life in modern Britain and the global community.


Through our DT curriculum we aspire for our pupils to think independently and have high aspirations. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to discover what is possible through designing and making innovative products. We strive to push the limits and ask children to use their research to design and make innovative, creative products and want our pupils to be problems solvers.


Through our DT curriculum we ensure that pupils will have opportunities to work with a wide range of mediums: textiles, food, woodwork and mechanisms. We have a knowledge rich scheme of work guided by the National Curriculum.


Our Design and Technology Curriculum will enable pupils to:

  • Conduct research and look at similar models.

  • Research and find out about designers, chefs, engineers

  • Acquire skills of cutting, making, constructing, gluing and making

  • Create detailed designs with annotations for products they will make

  • Review designs and create final designs

  • Use Computer Aided Design

  • Evaluate their products

  • Develop their knowledge of products and designers

  • Consider the impact of products on the environment

  • Explore audience, purpose and function

  • Understand the importance of aesthetics when designing products

Design & Technology S-Plan
This is our Design and Technology S-Plan. Every child has a copy in their D.T. workbooks.
It allows the children to see what their learning journey looks like, from EYFS to Year 6, and to make connections between the units they will study and the knowledge and skills that they will learn, use , and apply.
Year 1 -Windmills
Year 1 were given a special DESIGN CRITERIA to make a windmill.
They thought about what their CLIENT, the Mouse from Amsterdam, would like and set about making a windmill to suit him.
The children learned about the 3 important parts of a windmill: the STRUCTURE; TURBINE; and AXLE.
They had to design the structure and then make the turbine. They attached the turbine to the structure using a pipe cleaner for an axle. It was quite tricky to do!
The last thing to do was test the windmills to see if they would move and evaluate how well we did and what we would change if we had to do it again.
Year 3 spent some time learning all about 'eating seasonally'. The children learnt about the benefits of buying seasonal food, looked at where food comes from around the world, practised peeling and chopping skills and designed and made a fruit tart using British seasonal fruit (blackberries, apples, plums, pears). 

Our Year 4 children were investigating MECHANICAL SYSTEMS on their latest Design and Technology day.

First, they looked at, and discussed, how car designs have developed over many years, for example, horse and cart to engine-powered cars. They learned that a chassis is the frame of a car on which everything else is built and how all moving things have kinetic energy-the energy that something (an object or person) has by being in motion, e.g., the energy that a swing has to keep moving; any object in motion uses kinetic energy.

Their design brief: to make a self-powered ‘slingshot car’, including the design and construction of the car body.

Their enthusiasm was contagious as they worked to produce an accurate, functioning car chassis and design a suitable car body to cover it by drawing a net to create a structure from, including tabs on their net so that they could secure them to the panels of the chassis. They chose shapes that would increase or decrease the speed of the car as a result of air resistance, adding graphics to personalise their design.

They assembled and tested their completed product and evaluated the speed of their design based on the understanding that some cars are faster than others as a result of:

  •  Body shape.
  •  Stored energy in the elastic band.
  •  Accuracy of the angle in the chassis and axle.`


Look at some of their cars. What AMAZING children we have here in Ellington  Primary School!


Year 1 have been enjoying learning whether a food is a fruit or not -does it have seeds? They have learned where and how fruits and vegetables grow and practised chopping and juicing them safely. They tasted and evaluated different foods, describing their appearance, smell and taste ready to make their own smoothies and design a carton packaging for their product.