20th September 2024
Year 1 have had a fantastic beginning to the new school year and I would like to say a huge thank you to all of them for making me feel so welcome! It has been wonderful to see the children enthusiastic and excited about their new class and learning topics.
In English, we have been practising how to form letters correctly as his is one of the most important skills for their writing. This week we have been learning about the features of our new class text and can recall the author and what the blurb tells us. We have made predictions about our new class text, I want my hat back and are very excited to find out what happens. Year 1 have been fantastic at using their Fred fingers and knowledge of punctuation to write super sentences, I am so impressed!
In Maths we have been focussing on place value. The children have been working in partners to represent numbers on tens frames with counters to work out their answers practically.
We have been introduced to Science and have started learning about our body parts and what they help us to do. We particularly enjoyed going outside to draw around our partner and label them!
We have also started in our new phonics groups. Your child will have received two reading books today to practise at home.
18th October 2024
Year 1 have certainly had a busy month!
In English, we have been reading ‘I want my Hat back’ and felt it was important that Rabbit wrote the Bear an apology letter, since he stole his red pointy hat! This week we have been introduced to Performance Poetry. We have discussed the language used in a rhyming poem called ‘Yesterday’ by Michael Rosen. This was followed by adding our own actions and learning the poem off by heart! I was so proud of how brave everyone was to perform the poem to Year 2. Especially since we were outside our comfort zones however we persevered!
In Maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction as well as comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. We are all great at remembering which number the crocodile wants to eat! We have also worked on practically making groups of objects to work out the total amount.
In Science, we have been looking at our senses and completing experiments to show how important these senses are. We particularly enjoyed our science experiment which was investigating our taste. This entailed trying different types of food and using our new scientific vocabulary to describe the taste!
In Geography, we have been exploring the area we live in and looking at Ellington on an aerial map. We were able to recognise numerous features and describe where they were on the map. We have been using our map skills to find features on our playground and draw our own maps.
In PSHE, we have continued learning about friendships and families, discussing the importance of understanding our emotions and how we can respond within friendships. We have been focussing on working with people we wouldn’t necessarily choose to and how to overcome any friendship problems. This was through working in different teams to complete challenges and instilling a friendly sense of competitive spirit!
We were lucky enough to have an Emotions Regulation workshop where we learned all about the different emotions and how we can look after our own emotional wellbeing.
Keep up the fantastic work Year 1!