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Eco Council

Green Flag Award!

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award with Distinction. This award is in recognition of the work we have done this year and also the journey we are now on with the environment a key part of our curriculum.

The main aim of Ellington Primary School’s Eco-Council is to remind everyone in school to save energy and reduce, recycle and reuse. 


The Eco-Council is pupil-led and consists of two children nominated to represent Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. These pupils play key roles in decision-making and participate in reducing the environmental impact of the school. The Eco-Council representatives are dedicated and enthusiastic pupils who work hard to improve and develop the school for the better.


The Eco-Council meets once a fortnight to discuss environmental issues and the changes the council would like to see made around the school.  Eco-Council is led by Mr Hodgson and the school caretaker. 


The Eco-Council committee process offers a useful model for successful communication and decision-making. The councillors, elected by their classmates, are children who already have a strong sense of environmental responsibility. Ideas are brought to the committee for discussion and decisions are reached democratically.


Each Eco-councillor takes the committee’s ideas and suggestions back to their class and to the whole school, through assemblies and into our school community. In this way, Eco-Council extends learning beyond the classroom and develops responsible attitudes both at home and in the wider community.


Our Eco-Council is a place to make positive changes and to make a difference. By encouraging and supporting pupils to take responsibility for the environmental management of the school, children will develop and build a sense of responsibility for their surroundings. Ellington Eco-Council encourages pupils to help further develop our caring school community where the ideas of others are valued and action is taken in response to these ideas.